The renewed Masterplan 2.0 for Arenapark
This approval brings a future-proof and vibrant business park a step closer where work, living, sports and learning reinforce each other. The development of the Arenapark is now entering the next phase in which the master plan is being developed into an urban development plan. At the same time, an visual quality plan is also drawn up in which the urban development and architectural principles of the (further) development of the park are described. The municipality aims to have both plans ready by the summer of 2021.
Stimulating sustainable mobility through clear spatial structure
The public space in the Arenapark is currently characterized by unclear routes, low spatial quality and the dominance of car traffic and parking spaces. Cyclists and pedestrians are therefore central to Masterplan 2.0 and are given priority in the redesign of the Arenapark. By moving a number of roads, a new structure is created which is clear and easy to read. This structure will be guided by two intersecting axes which enable cyclists and pedestrians to enter and cross the Arenapark almost completely free of conflict. Cycling to and from the Arenapark will be made safer, faster and more attractive through a new bicycle tunnel and overall quality improvement of the network. In addition, sidewalks, squares and wide boulevards are being constructed for pedestrians.
The new developments will also increase the amount of car traffic, but by adapting the access for car traffic, nuisance will be limited. The current visibility of the large amount of parking spaces is solved by going underground or a well-designed parking garage. In addition, a possible relocation of the station to the heart of the Arenapark (a wish of the municipality) will invite more visitors to exchange the car for the train for their daily commuting. Relocation of the station, however, still requires a lot of follow-up research to map out its (financial) feasibility.
Flexible development lots
In the new structure, the public space is enclosed by three large development plots, in which offices, homes, an athletics and gym hall, hotel and action sports hall (suitable for skating and BMX) will be developed and possibly an international school. This mix of facilities contributes to the liveliness and social safety of the new Arenapark. Guidelines have been established for the plots which the developments must comply to with special attention to the making of public, transparent plinths. Several development variants and opportunities for further densification within these guidelines are possible, hence the masterplan offers flexibility in the case of potential future changes.
A green Arenapark
The master plan focuses on greening in order to create a more attractive public space, in line with the surrounding heathland of the Laapersheide. This heather vegetation creates a green environment in the Arenapark with a focus on ecology, biodiversity and climate adaptation. A net-zero energy standard applies for new buildings and energy will be generated on roofs, facades and in the public space. The collected rainwater will then be used for cooling and watering the greenery.
For this assignment we are working together with the engineering consultancy firm Sweco as well as the consultancy firms Goudappel Coffeng and Drijver en Partners.
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