
Update and deepening of Sittard-Geleen's environmental vision

In close cooperation with the municipality of Sittard-Geleen, we are working on updating its Environmental Vision. Together with its inhabitants, Sittard-Geleen has expressed the ambition to become a resilient city by 2030, where health, entrepreneurship, innovation, cooperation and sustainability are paramount. The update of the environmental vision ensures that the spatial interpretation is even better aligned with the objectives of the Omgevingswet, which will enter into force on 1 January next.

An environmental impact assessment is part of the assignment. For this, we investigate the possible physical effects of the policy choices, identify dilemmas in advance and thus help the municipality to make well-considered spatial decisions. In addition, we draw up a social benefit analysis. Every (spatial) choice requires an investment, but at the same time it can also mean a cost saving in another area. A social benefit analysis looks broadly at the concept of value. Not just the financial side and hard euros, but also the soft side of broad prosperity. This analysis gives the municipality a better understanding of the value of the spatial choices.

The environmental impact assessment and social benefit analysis provide more in-depth information to the existing Environmental Vision. Together, the three projects will result in an updated and expanded Environmental Vision, which will make the plans for the future Sittard-Geleen feasible. 


We are working together with Arcadis for this assignment.