Our CO2 reduction in 2023
In 2021, we received our CO2 certificate in recognition of our efforts to reduce emissions, and since then, we have actively implemented measures to decrease our CO2 output. Our reference year remains 2022, serving as the basis for all our future CO2 reduction endeavors.
The carbon footprint for 2023 shows that 3.61 tonnes of CO2 is attributable to scope 3: travel (commuting). In scope 3, only transport emerges, this consists of train, tram and car. Scope 2 includes purchased electricity, heat from heat network and business travel. The following measures apply:
- Electricity consumption awareness: by making employees aware of electricity consumption, savings can be made. This would result in small savings of 1 to 2%.
- In 2024, PosadMaxwan is exploring the procurement of Green Electricity, which meets the requirements of Green Electricity of the CO2 performance ladder. This could result in savings of 24%.
We have made significant strides in enhancing our CO2 management process:
- We transitioned to the MilieuBarometer, facilitating the input and calculation of our CO2 emissions per theme.
- We conducted a comparison with industry peers to better evaluate our performance.
- We commenced actual measurement of our CO2 consumption by installing meters at strategic points such as kitchen appliances, workstations, and printers to obtain a more realistic assessment.
- We continue to commit to turning off equipment outside working hours whenever possible.
- We initiated collaborations with similar agencies to share knowledge and work together on solutions.
- We launched initiatives to develop more useful, productive, and practical chain initiatives in collaboration with VINU.
- We explored opportunities to collaborate with clients to further amplify our impact.
To further reduce our CO2 emissions, we have researched and implemented various measures:
- We investigated daylight-dependent lighting controls, insulation measures, and energy-saving measures in ICT, such as in server rooms, desktops, laptops, screens, and printers.
- We introduced mobility budgets and promoted bicycle transport to reduce the number of car kilometers.
Future efforts
For 2024, we have set the following objectives:
- We will continue our collaboration with VINU and develop a chain initiative with consortium partners, clients, and industry peers to share knowledge and collaborate on CO2 reduction.
- Did you know that nearly 1 billion garments enter the Dutch market annually? If every resident of the Netherlands were to buy six fewer clothing items per year, it would save as much CO2 emissions as driving around the world 85,000 times by car. That's why this year, we will also organize a clothing swap among our employees.
- We will engage in an open dialogue on CO2 reduction in urban design and explore new standards for the CO2 performance ladder to measure actual impact.
- We will continue to explore ways to further reduce our CO2 emissions, such as dimming lighting, installing energy-efficient cooling systems, and using timers for space heating.
- We will also investigate alternative methods of measuring our impact beyond financial metrics, such as participating in initiatives like the Impact Economy Foundation.
We remain committed to a sustainable future and will keep you informed of our progress. We remain committed to a sustainable future and will keep you updated on our progress. If you want to know more about our chain analysis and initiatives, check out the SKAO website.