Amsterdam Bullewijk: from closed to open city district
The track on which Bullewijk Station is located forms the dividing line between these two neighborhoods, each with its own opportunities and challenges. The infrastructure in Bullewijk is still dominant; the quality of life is secondary to accessibility. Now they are separate, internally oriented islands with a mono-functional program. Stronger connections are needed between different developments; connections that intersect with barriers, routes and programs. Maximum flow then changes into maximum encounter. Development of the station into a lively hub provides more exchange between the neighborhoods and gives the environment a huge upgrade. The track will change from obstacle to backbone for development of the area, and Bullewijk from closed to open city.
The City of Amsterdam asked the O-team of the Ministry of the Interior for help with this assignment. Three teams then suggested design solutions for specific themes:
- PosadMaxwan: mobility and accessibility
- Felixx Landscape: health and safety
- Studio L A: bicycle connections