The urban development plan and the Note on Image Quality we created for TU Delft Campus South were recently officially approved by the Executive Board. These frameworks give direction to the growth of the university. They also form the starting point for the design of new buildings and public spaces.

TU Delft has the ambition to develop a modern working and learning area. Therefore, the initiative has been taken to transform the 'Campus Zuid' site, formerly Technopolis, into a high-quality business park. This focuses on companies that want to locate close to the educational, innovative environment of an internationally highly regarded Technical University. The urban plan supports this redevelopment, matching the special character of the development and the ambitions for the spatial quality of the public area and the new buildings.

Urban development plan

The urban development plan is an elaboration of the principles and ideas for the spatial layout from the 2019 Spatial Development Perspective. The plan provides space for academic functions, businesses and institutions collaborating with TU Delft within a clear framework of green-blue public spaces. The high-quality and predominantly green outdoor space hereby forms the basis for the structure of Campus South and gives the campus its special character. In addition, the main structure of the plan is characterized by a continuation of the underlying polder structure and clearly defined clusters of plots with buildings and landmarks in the public space.

The TU Delft also wants to encourage users to use means of transport other than the car. On Campus South this is done by focusing on improving the bicycle infrastructure with connections to regional bicycle routes. Offering multiple modalities; including public transport and placing building entrances and parking garages along slow traffic routes, contribute to this. At the same time the TU discourages frequent car use by looking critically at the parking needs of companies and facilitating this.

Notitie Beeldkwaliteit

The Notitie Beeldkwaliteit TU Delft Campus Zuid has been drawn up in addition to the urban development plan and provides guidelines for the image quality of new buildings and new public space. The guidelines are intended as an inspiring framework to encourage designers and developers to aim for the highest attainable spatial quality. In this way, the interaction between a high-quality public space, the private outdoor spaces and the architecture of the buildings contributes to the experience of the area.


See also

North Holland, Utrecht, Gelderland and North Brabant