PosadMaxwan has drawn up a Development Perspective for the NOVEX Area North Sea Port District looking to 2050. All interests and ambitions have been carefully considered, from water and soil to nature, landscape, cultural history, urbanization, infrastructure, energy transition and port development.

Together with stakeholders from the Netherlands and Belgium, such as the State, the Port Authority, municipalities and provinces, we worked intensively to identify the most critical spatial issues. These issues were divided into three main themes:

  • Water and Soil

  • Livable cores and region

  • Networks for energy and economy

Through interviews with experts and working sessions with all stakeholders, including representatives of ministries, development directions were identified. We jointly determined guiding principles that form the basis for future developments in the area.

A special challenge was to integrate the future plans of the Port Authority. In a separate session with them, we were able to put these plans openly on the table and discuss how they could be included in the perspective. For the first time, the port's interests were really fully integrated.

The result of this intensive process is a development perspective in which all parties involved can agree. Thanks to an extensive feedback process and administrative consultations, a supported vision has emerged that gives direction to the further development of the North Sea Port District until 2050.
