At a time of great social change, it is crucial to look ahead and make strategic choices. Commissioned by VNO-NCW, together with Arcadis and UNStudio, we have developed two charcoal drawings that offer a vision of the Netherlands in 2050. These sketches are visual aids that make important choices clear and stimulate discussion about them.

The "Charcoal Drawings Netherlands 2050" project resulted in two concepts: WebNL and HubNL. Both drawings offer sustainable solutions to the challenges we face. By combining social problems, we create space for innovative answers. Without clear choices, we can get stuck in existing patterns, leading to clutter and conflicts over use of space.

If we don't make choices, we may become inefficient and lose important economic sectors. This affects not only us, but also future generations. We must protect our land from flooding and other climate problems. Not taking action could result in damage to our nature and food shortages. Moreover, the Netherlands is currently not meeting international climate goals, such as the Paris Agreement.

Integrality is therefore an important principle in our approach. By combining different challenges and learning from the past, we can work together to create a picture of the future. The Netherlands has always been able to find the balance between water management, agriculture and a strong economy. Our cities are culturally rich and well connected, which contributes to their attractiveness.

WebNL focuses on the strong regions of the Netherlands. This outline emphasizes the role of existing economic centers, such as Brainport Eindhoven and the circular transition at Chemelot. WebNL aims for equal growth across the country, with each region developing its own identity and economy. This creates opportunities for sustainability and densification around urban areas surrounded by nature and water. Investments in connections between cities strengthen cooperation between regions.


HubNL is focusing on improving the international competitiveness of the Netherlands. Growth is concentrated around the largest economic engines, such as the Randstad and Brainport Eindhoven. These areas are developing into urban centers, where sustainability and livability go hand in hand. The North Sea Lagoon provides protection against sea level rise and creates space for nature development and wind energy.

Outside the major cities, space is being created for a mix of agriculture and nature. Through technological innovations, such as drones and sensors, we can combine food production with the preservation of biodiversity.


Shaping the Future Together

The charcoal sketches are a call to think about our future together. We face important challenges, and it is essential that we make the right choices now. The reality will be a combination of both sketches, and the implementation of these choices will determine what the Netherlands will look like in 2050. Let's work together for a future where people and nature can live in harmony.