How will South Holland become the healthiest province in the Netherlands by 2040? South Holland is the province with the heaviest environmental pressure, two of the country's largest cities are located in this region, and urbanization continues. In 2040 the province will grow to about 5 million inhabitants. To remain an attractive place to live, work and recreate in the long term, a transformation must take place to a healthy province with healthy residents. A future agenda study provides an opportunity to scrutinize this perspective and reflect on the role of the province.

There is a strong correlation between health, lifestyle and environment. It has also been shown that health problems are particularly concentrated in cities. How can the migration to cities be linked to the ambition of a healthy environment? And can we turn what is currently a weakness into a strength?

Protection and health promotion are central to the research. Therefore, the 'cure' side of the story, the usual focus of health care, was examined, as well as the preventive 'care' possibilities. The results were translated into four storylines in a final report and summarized in four flyers that can be downloaded here:

  • ''The complete district & neighborhood'' (The complete district & neigborhood - everyone, vulnerable groups included, should participate in work and social relationships),
  • A healthy action radius - on getting exercise at every stage of life,
  • Large and small green spaces - on the impact of nature in the city and the countryside,
  • Healthy urbanization - on environmental variables like noise and air quality.