The Rijswijk shopping center In de Bogaard has been struggling for some time with structural vacancy and declining appeal. Yet the shopping center has great potential. By transforming the area into a multifunctional and green city center, it will once again acquire significance for Rijswijk. The favorable location on both a local and regional level and the expected increase in the number of inhabitants of Rijswijk will help.

Together with several experts we made a plan, which is based on transforming a large part of the existing retail area and adding a large amount and variety of housing, and greening the outdoor space. This will transform In de Bogaard from a monofunctional shopping center into an attractive, connected place to stay where residents and visitors can meet, live and store. Furthermore, the accessibility of the shopping center will improve by creating new connections with surrounding neighborhoods and transforming Prinses Beatrixlaan. As a result, the area can structurally change, and In de Bogaard can become compact and lively again. Because the plan is partly developed from discussions with various owners and developers, after approval by the municipality in December 2019, first follow-up steps have already been taken by owners to start the transformation of the area.
