The Development Vision provides a framework for an "organized organic" transformation of Winkelsteeg business park.

In the coming years, Winkelsteeg will change from a monofunctional business park into a healthy, vital and future-proof working-living environment with a green area identity. On the one hand, it will be a vital business park that builds on existing activity and benefits from its central location in the city. On the other hand, it offers a unique place to live with a different housing supply and special qualities, such as the canal and the present green quality. A wide range of (social) facilities serves as an intermediary for employees and residents of Winkelsteeg as well as the surrounding neighborhoods. The present greenery will become more visible, enhanced and connected, and its utility value will be increased. In this way the green links will function as a connector and provide space for sports, playing, meeting and experiencing.

We have drawn up a spatial framework that is flexible and robust enough to deal with the uncertainties of the future, but also offers sufficient support and confidence for decisions of today and tomorrow. We also utilize and strengthen the qualities already present in Winkelsteeg to create various subareas with their own identity and program mix within the main spatial structure. One of the subareas, which provides an important programmatic impulse and is crucial to the identity of Winkelsteeg, is the Station Area Goffert-NTC. This will be an important entrance to Winkelsteeg, making room for new developments around the station. The immediate surroundings of the Goffert station will be developed into a mixed urban area that gives the Novio Tech Campus the opportunity to grow and provides space for affordable housing with a clear focus on public transport and slow traffic. The Goffert-NTC station area will better connect Winkelsteeg with other neighborhoods.

Canal node
Ambitions for green and healthy urbanism
Urban Estate
Essence Development Vision
Goffert Station
Impression Goffert Station